Pass the 11+ With Flying Colours

Helping your child pass their 11+ Grammar & Independent School exams through the 11+ Success School – our stress-free system for guaranteed results.

Passing the 11+ can completely change your child’s life - it changed mine.

My name is John-Tobi and passing the 11+ exams completely changed the trajectory of my life.


I attended a state primary school but, after passing my 11+ exams with flying colours, a generous academic scholarship meant I soon found myself at a top Independent School in London.


Going to this school gave me access to the best of the best and I was handfed everything I needed to be successful.


World-class teachers made sure I fulfilled my potential and, with their help, I achieved 11 A*s at GCSE, followed by straight As at A-level.


These grades enabled me to gain entrance into a top-ranking University, where I met many incredible individuals and made friends with future leaders.


At the same time, alongside my degree, I was able to leverage secondary school connections to get my first work experience in the City.


One thing led to another and, before I knew it, I had landed a dream role in Investment Banking right out of University.


To this day, I can trace everything back to passing my 11+ exams.

John-Tobi A.

And I’m no outlier!


Many of my school friends pursued completely different paths but, no matter what path they chose, they always had an advantage over others due to their Grammar/Independent school education.

See, the harsh (and perhaps unfair) truth that I’ve personally witnessed (and that you secretly know if you’re reading this) is that…


When your child goes to certain schools, there are doors open to them in life that are simply not open to other children.


and this is just the reality of the British schooling system.


So all you can do is understand the unwritten rules of the game and do everything in your power to give your child a favourable hand.


In other words, ensuring your child passes their 11+ exams is one of the most important things you can do for them as a parent.


But here is where things get difficult…

Preparing for the 11+ is Super Stressful

So you’re aware that not all schools are created equal and you’ve decided that you want your child to attend a Grammar or Independent school.


You want your child to have every advantage in life and passing these 11+ exams is the bridge to that glowing future you envision for them.


However, despite your tireless efforts, so far this has proven to be one of the most stressful journeys you’ve ever been on…


The whole process is confusing and all the information online is overwhelming and unclear.


You’re tired of spending hours scrolling through outdated websites with broken links and you wish everything could be explained clearly, all in one place.


You know you should be using some 11+ materials, but finding the right ones and buying them is yet another time-consuming and stressful task.


On top of that, you feel your child isn’t making the progress they should be under their current tutor.


Each week your child spends the entire lesson going through the past papers they were given last week for homework.


After months of lessons, you ask your child to show you what they’ve actually learnt and, when they can’t, the frustration kicks in – it feels like you’re back at square one.


It’s like they’re not learning anything, and the stuff they do learn is somehow forgotten in just a few weeks.


Plus, you’re not really kept in the loop and, with the lack of regular feedback, you feel like you’re wandering in the dark.


You continue pushing forward but things are not getting better. Every time you look at the calendar, the exams are one step closer.


All this stress is also taking a toll on your child and you see them beginning to lose the motivation to see this through.


You can’t bear the thought of throwing all that money down the drain but, with thousands of students fighting for your child’s spot, how can you be sure your child will pass?


At the end of the day, you don’t want a participation trophy, you want results.


You want to know for certain that your child is going to make it…

The 11+ Success School Changes Everything

The 11+ Success School is an elite 11+ tuition programme that promises guaranteed results in your child’s Grammar & Independent School exams without you, as the parent, feeling stressed or overwhelmed.


Taking on a small cohort each year, we prepare Year 5 students for their 11+ exams in Maths, English Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning and Creative Writing.


Enrolled students are taught using the Abacus 11+ Tuition System which routinely places students into top Grammar Schools and helps them win spots at leading Independent Schools.

Here’s what you get inside our 11+ Success School…

#1 Weekly 11+ Tuition Lessons

3 hours a week (4 x 45 minutes) of online tuition in Maths, English Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning & Non-Verbal Reasoning delivered by 11+ subject specialists.


This includes specialist Creative Writing sessions held every month where all writing tasks are individually marked and personalised feedback is given to each student.


Our lessons run all the way to December 2024 so your child is fully supported throughout their entire Grammar & Independent school exam timetable (including 2nd round exams).


#2 Access to ALL ‘Ultimate 11+ Guide’ Online Courses

We’ve stolen the same dual-learning system used by the world’s best universities (Oxbridge, Harvard, Stanford, MIT…) and brought it to the 11+ to supercharge your child’s results.


With over 40 hours of content combined, your child will have access to engaging, pre-recorded lessons covering the entire 11+ syllabus for each subject.


We’ve also packed in 500+ interactive quiz questions, each with step-by-step video solutions, so your child can test their understanding at each and every stage.


By combining synchronous learning (live tuition lessons) with asynchronous learning (pre-recorded online course lessons), your child will understand 11+ concepts faster and better than other children.


#3 All Materials Sent Directly to your Home Address (UK Addresses Only)

All the 11+ resources your child will ever need from now up until their final exams are provided as part of our tuition programme.


Everything your child needs will be sent directly to your doorstep before the first lesson so you never have to worry about finding the right books yourself.


#4 24/7 Access to All Lesson Recordings.

Every single lesson is recorded and stored within the private group for the entirety of the tuition programme.


Your child will be able to rewatch these lesson recordings at any time ensuring the concepts taught are never lost or forgotten.


#5 One-to-One Support

Our class sizes are small and intimate, allowing us to provide 1-to-1 support to students during each lesson.


#6 Regular Subject Mock Tests

Each quarter, your child will take a full, exam-style 11+ mock test for each subject (12 mock tests in total).


These online mock tests are taken under timed conditions allowing your child to replicate what they will face on exam day.


#7 Regular Feedback and Progress Reports

Every week, you will be sent automated emails highlighting your child’s recent test scores as well as their general learning progress in each online course.


On top of this, you will be sent 3 in-depth progress reports (April, August & November), written by subject tutors, that will give you an accurate picture of your child’s performance and progression.


#8 Quarterly ‘Ultimate Motivation Webinars’

Every quarter, your child will join an interactive webinar where we will interview students from previous 11+ Success School cohorts.


Your child will hear the stories of other children who successfully passed their 11+ exams and gained entrance into some of the country’s top Grammar & Independent schools.


Speaking directly with children only 1-2 years ahead will greatly motivate your child and will inspire them to keep pushing through to the finish line.


#9 Live 11+ Informational Webinars

Throughout the tuition programme we will hold exclusive live webinars for both parents and students:


  1. Advice on picking schools and how to navigate applications for parents (delivered during the summer term)
  2. Private school interview preparation sessions (for students)


#10 Direct Access to Subject Tutors

Throughout the tuition programme you will have 24/7 email access to all subject tutors so you can get prompt answers to any questions that you may have.


#11 Private Parent’s Community Group

All parents of enrolled students will gain access to our Private Parents Community Group.


This will be your place to connect with like-minded parents, as well as where you will receive exclusive advice and information that will always keep you in the know.


#12 Introductory Onboarding Sessions & Assessments

Our first week of lessons will be dedicated welcome sessions where we will show you around the online school and your child will be able to meet all of their subject tutors.


These introductory sessions will ensure that your child is ready and excited to start learning right away.


In addition, there will be some initial subject assessments taken by your child at the start of the programme.


These assessments will allow us to gauge your child’s unique strengths and weaknesses which will help us in monitoring their progress throughout the programme.

Invest In Your Child’s Future

Course Academic Year Day Time Location Availability
11+ Success School (Jan-24 Cohort) Year 5 Friday Saturday 18:00 - 19:45 10:00 - 11:45 Remote
0 Space(s) Remaining

The ‘Abacus 11+ Pass Promise’ Guarantee

Read this carefully:


We guarantee that your child will pass their exams.


Our insane results show us that any child who goes through our programme doesn’t just pass their Grammar & Independent school exams, but does so with flying colours.


Therefore, to make this an easy decision for serious parents, upon joining you will get our ‘Abacus 11+ Pass Promise’ guarantee:




 If your child attends the weekly tuition lessons, goes through all the online course lessons, completes all the homework assignments and does not pass their 11+ exams…


We will not only give you all your money back, but we will also reimburse any exam registration fees you paid while making applications.




Yes, you read that correctly. Re-read it if you have to. We are that confident that your child will ace their 11+ exams so we wanted to make this a no-brainer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Once your enrolment has gone through, you will receive a confirmation email explaining how to access the online school as well as other important details.


All the necessary books, materials and technology will be sent to your home address before the end of January when the cohort commences.

There are two lessons each week and each lesson runs for 1 hour 45 minutes.


Each lesson is broken down into two, subject-specific 45-minute lessons (with a 15-minute break in between).


All lessons are conducted by our expert tutors via Zoom.


All tutors are DBS checked.

Homework should take about 60 minutes a day.


Parents will not need to mark any homework as this is handled by the tuition team.

Advice is given to parents in the summer term regarding applications, but it is the responsibility of the parent to make all school applications.

All lessons are recorded and stored within the group.


Students will be able to catch up on any missed lessons by watching that lesson’s recording.